Morikaunui Incorporation's farm is Morikau Station on Morikau Rd, Ranana on the Whanganui River Road.
The total area of the station is around 4,900 hectares of which 2,475 is effective (ie productive for farming). It has been farmed continuously in its current configuration since February 1911, albeit under several governance arrangements. The current entity was incorporated in 1955.
To see a map and other details click on Maorilandonline.
year we try to have a
shareholders' visit to the station. It is usually in February.
We are endeavouring to arrange a farm visit in early March, either the first or second Saturday. A decision will be made by the end of this month (January) after which a booking form will be posted. Please note that because it is on a Saturday for the first time, more shareholders may be able to come. For this reason, new visitors will have preference as we need to limit numbers because of transport issues.