
Morikaunui Incorporation is registered under Part XIII of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act/Maori Land Act 1993 and has a governance body of seven and a secretary. Its rules are outlined in its Constitution, the latest version that was adopted at the AGM held on 18 November 2022.

The 2022/23 Committee of Management members are:

Chairman: Hari Benevides (Ms) Retirement date*: 2026

William Konui 2025

Kataraina Millin 2025

Hera Smith 2025

Turama Hawira 2024

Siani Walker 2024

Harvey Bell 2026

* Members retiring by rotation are automatically nominated for re-election unless they give notice in writing to the contrary no later than 4:00pm on the last business day of September (ie 29/10/2023, 30/9/2024 and 30/9/2025 in the year that they are due to retire. That is also the date & time by which any nominations must have been received.

To access a CoM nomination form, click here.

Secretary: Harvey Bell

Accountant: Glenn Brown - PKF Doyle & Associates


There two CoM members retiring by rotation in 2023, Hari Benevides and Harvey Bell, are re-elected unopposed.

CoM election administrator: Rehara Tamehana

© 2005-2024 Morikaunui Incorporation